Dr. Xu Fu is an Associate Chief Physician of Chinese Medicine, deputy director of acupuncture dept, master of medicine and tutor of postgraduate, committee member of China Acupuncture & Moxi Academy and Zhejiang Acupuncture & Moxi Academy, vice chairman committee member of Pain Branch, committee member of Zhejiang Acupuncture Recovery Association.
Over 30 years clinical practice, Dr. Xu Fu has accumulated rich experience in treating insomnia, CVA, Hyperlipidemia, facial paralysis, osteoarthrosis, obesity, and other frequently-occurring diseases and difficult miscellaneous diseases by his special wrist & ankle acupuncture and body acupuncture. He is good at using needle manipulation to tonify and clear body, combining needle techniques with herbal medicine to achieve double outcome. Meanwhile Dr. Xufu also in charge and participating in 8 national and provincial research subjects, over 20 essays have been published in the past years.